The new video seems much more faithful to the Switch version. Back in January, the channel released another 8K/ray tracing Zelda video (opens in new tab), but that version wound up muting a lot of the subtle “watercolor” effects that made the original game so mesmerizing. This actually isn’t the first time Digital Dreams has attempted to run Breath of the Wild in 8K.

It also means you’d need an 8K monitor to get the most out of the game, and those are pretty rare at the moment. This questionably legal process demands a lot of processing power by itself - upping the game to 8K resolution and adding ray tracing demands even more.

Upscaling the graphics requires running Breath of the Wild on a PC, which requires Switch emulation. The bad news, of course, is that the average player is not going to get a chance to experience 8K Breath of the Wild anytime soon.