You save the significant expense of your own server. Our managed FileMaker hosting is your answer to the cost and frustration of managing your own server. Our Claris FileMaker cloud hosting service is a simple way to achieve a fast, reliable and secure system. What’s more, we can provide some peace of mind as we help you easily transition from an older server version to the latest FileMaker server.Īwarded FileMaker’s Business Growth Partner of the Year four times, organizations rely on MainSpring’s FileMaker hosting to protect their valuable databases. FileMaker WebDirect is ideal for those who prefer a simple alternative to database access without locally installing software. Using a dedicated server, you’re also able to use plugins and web connectivity to enhance your system. Our expert performance monitoring will ensure that your database has the resources it needs to deliver innovation. With our standard storage, you won’t have to worry about external file storage or your database growing. MainSpring offers an industry-best hosting solution for your FileMaker applications at affordable pricing. A place with easy access, security and no administration. You have the leading Workplace Innovation Platform at your fingertips. Connect using FileMaker Pro 12, 13 or 14 FMGo, FileMaker WebDirect, FileMaker as a datasource for your website.