Note that unless you identify an audio or video codec via switches, FFmpeg will use the default codecs for each container format as well as reasonable encoding parameters. FFmpeg can input most container formats natively, including MP4.

This calls the program add drive and folder information for ffmpeg.exe if it’s not in your path. Here’s the basic FFmpeg command line structure: Though batch command structure and operation is different for each platform, the FFmpeg command syntax is very similar for all. To get started, you can download FFmpeg for free from /download.html, with packages available for Windows, Mac, and multiple Linux flavors including Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. In this article, I’ll show you how to perform six of these tasks. But it also performs many simple and essential tasks that crop up in a studio or encoding facility, particularly if you do performance or benchmark testing.

FFMPEG is a free command-line utility that serves as the engine for most of the largest cloud encoding farms in the world, public and private.